Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The kids still both have colds. A’s is improving and C’s is just getting bad (guess who had it first). She had a rough afternoon, very sooky and whiny and so on, didn’t eat much of her supper, then fell asleep on the couch about 5:30. I woke her up at 6:00, put her in a warm tub, got her into her jammies with Nyquil and Vaporub and put her to bed at 7:00. She was out like a light. A went soon after, which meant a nice quiet evening.

A is doing a little better at sleeping in her bed. She just woke up here a few minutes ago, but all she wanted was a cuddle and her teddy bear then she laid back down and was back to sleep in under ten minutes. We’re getting there. Now, last night she was in our bed for a good part of the night but mostly because I was WAY too tired to want to stand by her crib to get her settled.

Today I took a bit of a break from the world. We didn’t leave the house except when I went outside to put the garbage in the barn. Stayed home, and CLEANED. Put stuff away, tidied, vacuumed, wiped up the kitchen floor… all the stuff I’ve been neglecting the last few days while wrapping up a work project. I’ve got some other projects I still need to tidy up… then I’ll be all caught up, I think, and able to get back to work on the house. I still haven’t finished my painting projects, and I really do need to get them done. I’d like to have an open house or two through October if I can possibly get the place into shape for it.

DH is doing okay but frustrated that part of the platoon isn’t getting it together. I suppose what will start to happen is the platoon will turn against those who really aren’t pulling their own weight, and they’ll end up getting out or getting kicked out. Sounds kind of brutal but I guess that’s what tends to happen. Unfortunately it will mean the rest of the team taking some extra heat for their failures. Sometimes I wish there was some career path we could have picked that didn’t involve all this game-playing and manipulation. Ah, well… it’s less than two months left, less than 60 days. A few more weeks and there will be less time left than has already passed. I’m seriously counting the days until Christmas break.

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