Tuesday, September 30, 2008

DH apparently got mentioned in the Vanguard last week... I’m going to try to get my hands on a copy. The orchestra is looking for a new trumpet player, since he up and abandoned them. The big meanie. LOL I guess it's nice to know that you're appreciated, though. :)

C started with a runny nose today. I guess it was inevitable since A’s had one for several days.  It doesn’t seem to be a serious bug though, just a typical cold, so I don’t think we’ve got too much to worry about.

Her prayers have taken a new turn… it’s sweet… she’s started listing all the things she’s thankful for. “Thank you God for houses, and clouds, and rain, and trees, and plants, and flowers, and foxes, and giraffes…” a ton of stuff. Tucked her in, said good night. A few minutes later she came running into our room – “Mommy, does God make volcanoes?” “Yes.” “Here?” “No, far away.” “In Africa?” “No, other places, across the ocean.” “Oh. OK.” “Good Night.” “Good Night!” (trotting back to her room) :)

Evenings just aren’t quite the same when I’m here by myself and the kids are in bed. Not that I want them to be up, mind you. The breathing space is quite nice, actually. But it would be nicer if I had hubby to share it with. 59 days til graduation. Then two more weeks til Christmas leave. *sigh* Not that long. But still, soooooo long. It’s a good thing I’ve found things to focus on, like losing weight, and getting some stuff done around the house… otherwise I think I’d go batty.

I took the kids to the mall today to get winter boots. Failed miserably – A’s feet are just not made for boots, they’re too chunky. C’s old boots still fit so I’m not really worried about getting her new ones, but if there had been a set at a good price then I might have. I did, however, get them each a new pair of sneakers for like $5.00 each at Zellers off the clearance rack. Nice ones, too, with the sparkly lights on them. And I got myself a pair of boots for 30% off :) I’ll start checking Frenchy’s – that’s where I got C’s boots when she was a baby, I had lucked out and found a pair that opened up wide enough to get her foot into.

Oh, I measured and weighed A today, she’s 31 inches and 28 lbs 3 ounces. She’s down over a pound in the last two months, but really hasn’t grown much at all. (Unless I was measuring her wrong before.) She’s getting the hang of this walking thing pretty quickly, although Gram says she walks like an old lady who’s had two hip replacements. LOL Very stiff and straight-legged, it’s funny to watch her. It won’t be long and she’ll be cruising around here. She’s already trying to pick up speed a little bit. What’s cute is when she walks to C with her arms out and they both tumble to the floor – they love it.

C’s talking a lot lately about moving to a new house and wishing winter would get here… today she made a comment about Daddy not living with us anymore, and I quickly reminded her that he's just at school and WILL be living with us again as soon as it's finished. She says she reeeaaaally misses Daddy. But it’s short-lived moments when she’s like that. Mostly she is still accepting things the way they are and coping quite well. Of course I have no idea what goes on inside that little head of hers. A lot, I suspect. Which is why I give her things to think about, like winter comes after fall, and that’s when Christmastime comes, and Christmastime is when Daddy will be home for a nice long visit. And reminding her that he's at school, not moved away.

I bumped into someone today who didn't realize DH had gone to basic training and asked what he was up to since closing the store. He said, “The Army?!?! Isn’t he a little OLD to be starting something like that?” ROFL

I had the first of the inevitable phone calls today asking whether we’d consider renting. I said “No. That’s just not an option for us, we’re relocating and we HAVE to sell it.” Sorry. I kind of wish we could... if we were in a better position then I'd love to be able to give someone else a hand-up like that and do a rent-to-own. But it's just too risky.

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