Friday, September 26, 2008

What's New?

DH has been gone to basic training now for a full calendar month. Today he had a parade test, earned his cap badge and had a performance evaluation, this weekend is their first "free" weekend so he's out with the boys tonight and looking forward to some extra sleep tomorrow and Sunday. He's also finally shaken off the miserable cold that's been dogging him for going on three weeks.

A is one year old tomorrow. Where did the time go? She treated C and I to her first real steps yesterday, and I happened to have my cell phone handy so I caught it on video :) She's 32.5 inches and 28 pounds, and a adorable bundle of spirit.

C is at a really interesting stage - she's thinking all the time and comes out with things that just amaze me sometimes. She's a ball of energy and loves being outside in the fall weather.

I am doing all right as a temporarily single mom - it has its moments, but thanks be to God that I have two beautiful girls who are accepting Daddy's career choice and going with the flow. Not to mention helpful family and some great friends who are really stepping up when needed.

And hey, we've already got a whole month behind us. Only two and a half more until Christmas vacation!

The house is officially for sale - list price is $135,000 with room for negotiation depending on appliances, oil, taxes, etc etc etc. If you know anyone who's house-hunting in the Port Maitland area, let them know there is a cozy 3br farmhouse with a great barn and ten acres just waiting for a new family!!

That's about it. Oh, and yes, as a matter of fact, I have lost weight. :P Thanks everyone who's noticed and commented, it's a great ego stroking. LOL

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