Tuesday, October 7, 2008

52 days left til graduation, but still more than 60 til Christmas leave. That’s what I’m more looking forward to.

The kids’ colds are on the mend. They’ve still got a little bit – A still has a runny nose and C still has a cough – but it’s way better than it was a few days ago. We stayed away from Baby & Me today, though. Next week we’ll resume our social calendar. :)

C was all dejected today. I asked her why and she was like, “We’re NEVER going to move to a new house. I miss our new house. We’re going to have to stay in our old house for EVER. So I’m sad.” Poor kid. I had to laugh, but I hid it from her. She was pretty serious about it. So I explained that no, we won’t be here forever, we have to wait til the right person comes and wants to buy it, and even then we won’t be moving until after Christmas, or maybe even longer, that we can’t move until Daddy is ready for us. I don’t know if that helped or not. I guess yet again I didn't give her little brain enough credit... we were on a cleaning frenzy the other day to show the house to someone, and then they didn't have any interest, so she took that quite to heart.

I got rid of another trunk full of stuff today, four boxes off to the Tabitha Center and the little wooden table & chairs given to a friend. I’m getting there… I’m at the point now where I have to think about what I’m looking at before deciding whether it’s clutter or useful. We still have a ton of stuff here, but what’s here now is harder to part with.

I was reading an interesting blog entry today… the girl who wrote it thinks we might be in the beginnings of the 7 year tribulation period, or that if we’re not, we’re at least in the birth pangs for it. She has a theory that the first seal may have been broken last year when the EU and Israel signed a peace treaty. I’m not sure about all of what she wrote, mostly because I’m not half the bible scholar I would need to be to follow what she writes about. But she did make an interesting point about the Mark of the Beast. She said it will follow after the Rapture. And she was sketching out a possible scenario… you have hundreds of thousands of people suddenly go missing. Planes crash, cars crash, utter chaos ensues. The government steps in with this little implantable gizmo about the size of a grain of rice that can be traced from anywhere, everyone has to have one, it’s for your safety, there won’t be any more of these mysterious disappearances. I thought that was interesting.

Scary stuff today… I was listening to Glenn Beck… talk about fanatical support for a politician. I am seriously a little scared of what the outcome of the US election will be. Whoever wins. If Obama wins, then these freak people are going to be the ones running the show. If he loses, these freak people very well might be dangerous! He played a couple of clips. One was of a group of teen boys, dressed in camo pants and green t-shirts, doing a chant that started “Alpha Omega Alpha Omega” over and over as they marched into the room. They all one by one gave their “Because of Obama, I … “ testimony. They did a chant. Then they left. All very militaristic. Glenn was like, how would people react if supporters of a right-wing candidate did this? I found the video on YouTube. Apparently it’s been pulled down repeatedly, but people are making copies and reposting it because it’s so freaky. View it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxJ7t3U3TDg

But it’s not as bad as the second one. The second one… well, Glenn played a clip from an audio track from the Nazi children’s camp that sounded eerily similar. It’s of children, singing a song about "Obama's gonna lead us" and “we’re gonna change the world”. That one was just plain frightening. It's on YouTube here:

This, I think, is powerful... watch them both.


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