Friday, October 17, 2008

I’ve started doing some Bible study at night before I go to bed – I decided on Philippians for no particular reason, but it seems to be an appropriate place to be right now. It’s where Paul is writing from jail, and there are some pretty good nuggets to pull out of it. Like making sure that no matter what your circumstances might be, that your conduct is above reproach. And recognizing that even though things might look bad to you, God’s plans are bigger than ours and the very thing you’re suffering through might well be serving to advance the gospel. Or that people will look on you in your troubles, and what you do or say is going to affect their perception of God. I guess I got quite a bit out of the first chapter. :)

A doesn’t seem to have suffered any ill effects from her tumble last night... she fell down a couple of stairs. :( She was quiet and snuggly for about ten minutes then back to her normal self and today she’s trying to go up them again. Yeesh.

C’s cold is yucky today, she’s got a bit of a temperature and took a really long nap this afternoon. Now she’s up and seems content enough but she’s obviously sick. Poor kiddo. Needless to say we didn’t go anywhere today. I’ve got a few things I’d like to get done over the weekend but we’ll play it by ear. I’ve got to bring the nursery stuff in for Sunday, but probably I’ll try to do that tomorrow, then if she’s feeling icky I won’t have to get her up and out early on Sunday.

I hired someone to come build the back steps. He'll be here on Sunday. Once he’s done, then I can finish painting the deck and that project will finally be done. I need to get the rest of that dirt spread out and some grass seed planted asap, too, before it gets cold.

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