Monday, October 13, 2008

A little time to slumber

It's too true...

This poem is from here - Great website, great writer!

A little time to slumber
All my days spent in the sun,
My idle hands were folded,
My daily chores not done.
I wasn’t at all rebellious,
As into the sky I’d gaze,
I just left my daily duties
As in the sun I bathed.
I read my book for hours,
Dishes soaking in the sink,
The meat still in the freezer
For I didn’t stop to think
What I needed for dinner,
It lay frozen in a lump;
I’d serve meat of something,
Be it chops or steak or rump.
Just a minute of my surfing
Turned to hours of my day,
As I sat online chatting
To people far away.
Imagine then my panic
As at last I looked around,
To see the clock now telling
My man was homeward bound.
What a rush of my adrenaline,
Making me quickly scamper
To launder clothes still waiting
In the dirty laundry hamper.
The bed was pulled up in a hurry,
The dishes washed and left to dry,
As I boiled up some veggies
And set the meat to fry.
Which would likely take forever
For it hadn’t completely thawed
And I so wanted dinner ready
As soon as my man hit the door.
I felt so really guilty
as I served our dinner late,
That I decided my many forums
Would henceforth have to wait.

© Glenys Robyn Hicks

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