Thursday, October 9, 2008

C has been a little off lately. Yesterday she was saying “I want all the leaves to be gone!” I asked her why, and she said “So it will be winter.” I asked why she wanted it to be winter, and her answer was “Because then Daddy will be home for a visit.” Oh.

She thinks a lot, you know? I think people don’t realize how much goes on in those little brains… but she’s analyzing things and coming up with her own conclusions, not always good ones. Like the other day when she figured that no one was going to buy the house and we were going to have to stay here without Daddy. She came to that on her own, from me saying we needed someone to buy the house before we could move to a new one, and then the people who came over didn’t buy it, so this is where she ended up. Scary.

Speaking of scary… apparently the world banks are getting together and starting to argue the benefits of a global currency. Eep.

We've been sending Daddy some of C’s school work. She is doing REALLY well… this week she decided we needed to be doing school again, I think because her cousin was doing homework at Grammie’s house. And she dove right in, finishing two of her half-finished workbooks in two days. LOL

Part of me wishes we’d made the effort to get together this weekend, but it’s a little late now. Besides, it still stands that it would have been really, REALLY hard to put him back on a plane after only a couple of days. It’ll be hard enough to do it after Christmas. Although I am hoping and praying and pleading that it won’t happen, that we’ll sell the house and things will work out that we can move after Christmas. We’ll see, though. Whatever will be, will be...and out of it will come whatever it is that God wants us to get out of it. I just hope He wants us to do it together. This long-distance thing… well, it’s manageable, but it’s certainly no fun. And the crazy part is, we’re signing on to a career that will make this a commonplace occurrence. We should both have our heads examined. LOL

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