Monday, June 28, 2010

Just a quick check-in... things are going well, the trip to Mom's was uneventful (the way one would hope a flight and long drive would be), and the weather in Nova Scotia is foggy.

Nephew D's birthday party was yesterday and went over really well - but took a lot more time and effort than I plan on putting into a birthday party any time soon!!! My mom arranged a carnival day so they played a bunch of games where they won tickets and then they could cash them in for prizes at the end. Pizza, hot dogs, cheesies, ice cream, cake... all the stuff kids want. And a bunch of time in the pool too, of course. I don't know how many kids were here... 15+ anyway. Lots of chaos, but they all had a good time and no one drowned so I guess we can call it a success.

Haven't had much communication the last little while with hubby - things have been very busy for him so he hasn't had much time on the computer or phone. There have been four casualties (that I know of) in the last week, plus some other activities there, and all their regular work, so I'm feeling pretty bad about the lack of sleep he's getting. Hopefully things will work out that he'll get some downtime soon for a quick call home and a decent night's sleep. It's a little rough sometimes when we have these long gaps between chats... but keeping busy helps and we're definitely both doing that.

Anyway like I said, just a quick update. Not a whole lot of time right now for typing... but then there hasn't been a whole lot going on anyway, so... ciao!

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