Monday, June 21, 2010

My mom, every time we ever went away for a trip, always cleaned the house before we left. It seemed a bit mad to me, growing up. I never understood the point of stressing out and deep-cleaning the house for a week so that you were exhausted going into a vacation. And I confess, I still don't. However, in a small nod to my mom, I did wash all the sheets today so we will come back to clean beds. And I've spent a little extra time this week paying a bit more attention to things, so that when we leave tomorrow I will at least know that the dishes are all washed and put away, there is no laundry festering in the basement, and nothing on the floors to attract ants. But you know... I still don't feel a need to move all the furniture and wash underneath, scrub the cupboards, etc every time I'm going away for a week or two. I guess some things just are not inheritable. Which is probably good, for the sake of my children's and husband's sanity. LOL

Today was fun. We spent the morning a friend's farm on a tour with the local homeschool group. Lots of kids, animals, sunshine and space. A fabulous combination. I could have stayed there soooooo much longer... it was refreshing to be surrounded by nothing but animals and fields and smell nothing but farm smells. Sure, they're stinky, but it's sure better than car exhaust. And it was nice that for a few hours I wasn't surrounded by houses and concrete. Don't get me wrong - this base is really nice. It is well-maintained and a lot of work goes into making it very green. And where our house is, we actually have a fair amount of open space nearby. But it's not the same as having an acreage to wander and real work to do that involves life and dirt and seeing things happen. I was just walking along with A and feeling like, "aaaahhhhhh....." I think perhaps that's a sign that we need to get out more.

In sadder news, we lost another soldier today. A Cape Breton guy by the name of Sgt. James MacNeil, aka Jimmy. Which is sad. Thoughts and prayers appreciated for his friends and family... and also for my hubby and his section as they will be working the upcoming ramp ceremony for his repatriation. It's not something anyone looks forward to being involved in, but this will be their first so I'm pretty sure they're going to have a rough day.

Anyway... signing off, must go finish packing and get ready for this trip. Not to mention, it looks like rain and my car is wide open.

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