Friday, June 11, 2010

Day Five is coming to an end, and things are still going pretty well. C's temper has been a little hot today, but I think an earlier bedtime will take care of that. A still has a cold hanging around, it never seems like it's very serious, but it is enough that it's making her more tired than usual. On the plus side, it seems like she's finally interested in potty training - we're about 30% potty and 70% wet pants, but it's a start anyway. And she's interested. Which is a huge step forward all on its own. Me? I'm doing fine - but I can't say the same for my diet. Blah. I have a great day then a bad one - yesterday was great so you can guess what happened to today. I'm working back up to it, though. In a lot of ways it's easier to diet when the hubby is away, because there's no guilt factor involved in making all the weird food choices and not having "man food" around - and the boredom factor of being alone is a good motivation to develop an exercise habit. Besides which... knowing that he's living in a 24/7 sauna, and working, and drinking lots of water... darn it all I can NOT have him coming back in better shape than me!!!

This time difference is really, REALLY weird. And it's going to make it challenging if not impossible to arrange for phone calls with the kids except for maybe on his days off when he can get away with staying up late. We've been looking at the clock through the day - I set up my Google homepage with a clock for here and for there, and with weather reports for here, there, and home so that C can learn a bit even while I just satisfy my curiosity. She was quite blown away that when we were getting ready for bed, he would have been just barely thinking about getting up... and today when we were enjoying the sunshine, he would have been snoozing and snoring. Likewise was she amazed at the weather differences... when she spied 40 degrees, her response was "WOW! I'm sure glad I'm not THERE!" LOL

We mailed out the first of what I'm sure will be many pieces of mail today - I'll be curious to see how long it takes to arrive. I really love that if you go to the military post office, you can send mail and packages for free. That is a huge blessing. When we're home for our visit I expect I'll plan a day trip to Greenwood to visit friends and send off a care package from the folks at home. :)

Tomorrow's plans are kind of up in the air - I'm hoping to either visit a friend or have a visit from a friend... maybe a small yard sale in the morning.... and definitely at least one drive around the base to see who's tossing out what (it's a junk collection week, and 'curbside shopping is encouraged'. lol). Sunday will be pretty full between church and the kids' craft day at the MFRC. Should be fun. And the weather is forecast to be beautiful. :)

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