Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Another day done, and this one was definitely a good one.

After having the rare and fabulous opportunity last night to talk to my honey for a solid hour, and then an uneventful night with only one child-awakening, I woke up to a beautiful sunny day. How could things start out any better?? :)

The girls played outside for a while and I made some effort in the kitchen, then we headed off to the library (we were too late for storytime, but they did the craft anyway thanks to the sweet girl who runs it). I'm running errands this week getting loose ends tied up before we leave town for a bit - returning library books and movies, paying the car registration, just little stuff like that, but there is a lot of it. We also picked up a new portable DVD player for the trip which is charging up now for its first trial run.

They were really good while I got my little things taken care of, so when all was said and done we went to the Canex for ice cream cones. (Yes, all three of us. Yes, I'm supposedly on a diet, but if you can't have ice cream once in a while, what's the point?) Back home and more outside time, a little more housework, supper, baths... and both kids in bed on time. A was asleep at 7:00, C at 8:00. Fabulous.

Add to that, it's one week left til our trip so we're all a little happy about that.

AND add to that, little missy spent all day in training pants today and didn't wet herself even once. Even including the two trips we made to town and the hours outside. Let's say, that alone would have made me super happy, but adding that onto an already good day? Ahh, bliss. Happy sigh. :)

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