Saturday, June 19, 2010


Yeah. Well. I guess in this life we all have those "Wow, I really suck" moments. Trouble is, in the world of military wife, you rarely get a do-over. Today was one of those.

Don't get me wrong, the day as a whole was pretty good. It was warm and sunny, the kids got outside, we went to a yardsale, I remembered to return the library books, and we got a nice little thundershower to liven up the afternoon. And the kids are in bed at a reasonable hour.

It was just a little five-minute window where I blew it... one of those opportunities to be super-wife that fizzled into a whole lot of nothing. And I will have to get over kicking myself for it, but for the moment I'm still peeved.

Hubby called this evening with just 4 minutes remaining on his phone card. Which left me floundering just a bit. The call was unexpected as it was, but let's just say my brain doesn't function well with deadlines. So I ended up with very little to say, just a bit of everyday stuff, kids, weather... completely forgot to pass on the one bit of interesting news... and it hit me about a half an hour later... TOTALLY overlooked the fact that in his world it is already Sunday, meaning already Father's Day, and I didn't even mention it. Much less gather the girls to give their wishes to Daddy.

Talk about a sudden downward spiral for the psyche. Sigh. I am being plagued by this evil superwoman who sees the number on the phone, realized it's Sunday and calls the kids immediately over, answers the phone and has them tell Daddy "Happy Father's Day, I love you!!" before passing on the day's news and whatnot. Or at very least, realizes it at the last possible second before hanging up. Even THAT would be something.

Yeah. Perfectionist guilt really stinks. But so does forgetting to say the important words that need to be said, when the odds of a second chance are pretty much slim to none.

I think I need to go to bed. I've been up too late the last couple of nights, and being overtired doesn't help when you miss the guy you love more than anyone, you wish you could be the one making waffles and bacon for breakfast tomorrow, and you feel like instead you let him down in a big way. Hopefully the boxes that are en route with goodies and surprises will make up for it.

Yes, the rational part of me realizes that he is a guy, and guys don't get all hung up on stuff like this. And yes, that part of me also realizes that he totally gets that we are missing and loving and thinking about him every day. It's entirely self-inflicted guilt-tripping going on here.

I do that sometimes. What can I say? I think it's part of being a girl - I swear it's hard-wired or something.

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