Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day Four

Well today was kind of interesting. This morning I decided we were staying put because the girls are snuffly and I'm still plugged up... so we were just chilling out. THEN, at 8:10 the phone rings and it's someone from hubby's work, needing paperwork, and needing it before noon. Um, okay, sure I can do that! Enter scramble mode - because the paperwork needed all had to be looked up and printed off the computer. Not to mention I was still in my pjs. But I got it all together and dropped off by 9:30 - well done, I think. :)

Then, since we were already out anyway, and the kids seemed to be shaking off most of the morning snuffles, we went ahead and dropped in to storytime at the Deployment Support Centre. It was nice - once a week they have a drop-in program where they read a story, do a related craft, share a snack, and have some time to mingle. I thought it would be good to go to some of their activities so that C can relate to other kids whose Dads are away. And A, well she just likes other kids regardless. So we went. And it was a good time... although I am always a little disappointed by how some parents control their kids (or don't, more specifically) in a group setting. However aside from a couple of live wires, it was a good group of kids and parents. And they had a good time, which is what I was hoping for. There wasn't anyone there I knew, which led to me being a tad slow to find anyone to talk to, but I did make some good contact with the ladies who organize it so that was nice.

It's going to be helpful being in a base community while he's away - when we were back home and he was away, the nearest base was 2.5 hours away and that's a bit far to go for drop-in playgroups and the like. (Of course I still had family around, so it wasn't really required anyway.)

Still awaiting word from my love about the whens and wheres and successes of his travels... hopefully sometime tonight if I'm lucky. Having some twelve hours between us will make arranging communications rather interesting.

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