Thursday, September 1, 2011

The first day of school... and some obnoxious poetry

I saw this posted on Facebook today:

Twas the night before school started, when all through the town.
The parents were cheering. It was a riotous sound!
By 8, kids were washed and tucked into bed.
When memories of homework filled them with dread!
New pencils,new folders, new notebooks too!
New teachers, new friends, their anxiety grew!
The parents just giggled when they learned of this fright
and shouted upstairs, "Go to bed! It's a school night!

I know it's meant to be light-hearted, but I'm sorry. Things like this just make me sad. Especially when I see the kids in the mall whose parents are all excited to get them back into school, and the kids are seeing it. It can't be good for their little egos to think mom and dad can't wait to get rid of them. Like those Staples commercials. They break my heart, seriously. I know most parents love their kids dearly - so please, don't make them think it's such a wonderful thing that you're getting away from them for several hours a day.

I mean, really. How would you feel if your husband, before going to sleep, said to you, "I'm SOOOO glad you're going to work tomorrow! This vacation has been too long and I've just had enough. I need a break from you. And you'll have a great time, but even if you don't, you're going anyway. Love you!"

And so, here is my own little bit of obnoxious, forced-rhyming poetry...

It's the first day of school; my kids don't even know.
Today is our picnic, to the park we will go!
They'll run and they'll climb, and excitedly find
All sorts of activities to engage a kid's mind.
Bugs, sticks and mushrooms, berries and more;
A scavenger hunt and some woods to explore!
No homework tonight, no bus in the morn,
They're learning the way they have since they were born!

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