Friday, September 2, 2011

September 2, 2011

Today was our first day of "school"... but not really a full day.  We started out with a special breakfast of pancakes, eggs and hot chocolate.  (And I started out with a routine of getting up earlier than the kids, which I hope to maintain.)

The girls decorated the boxes that will collect their artwork this year:

We set up our nature table:

We review the Bible verse for the coming week:

And A dove eagerly into her new preschool workbooks (sorry for the sideways pics):

Miss C had a harder time getting back into the groove... after pouting and tears and complaining and sighing, she took herself off to bed for a two-hour nap.  She woke up in a much better mood overall, but still not in the right frame of mind to get her work done.  We've definitely spent too long on vacation from regular school work... le sigh...  But it will come.  Not being allowed to watch TV, play on the computer or go outside until work is done will eventually have an impact, I have to think.  LOL

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