Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 7, 2011

A little more like a normal school day today - although we have a lot of plans for the rest of the day, so we tried to get done early!  We didn't do as well as yesterday, but even after a bit of humming and hawing and pouting, we were still wrapped up by 9:30.  So that's all right.   Now we're off to get ready for the rest of the day.  We might go to storytime at the library for a bit, then we're meeting our homeschool group at the beach for a couple of hours, home for naptime (we're babysitting today, too), hopefully a chance to bake something  (I'm thinking strawberry scones), finish supper and straighten up in time for Bible study here tonight at 6:30.  Never rains but it pours, eh?  LOL

C's work for today...

History - reading about Babylonia and learning a few things.  We work on this together as I don't really expect her to remember names of kings and countries just yet!

Social Studies - Just the introduction for today, but we'll be learning about North American peoples.

Math (two of her four pages)

Reading/Language Arts - Questions about the story we read yesterday

A's pages... she's a school-a-holic just like C was when she was three.  LOL

Math - finding patterns

Tracing letters - she finished the book.  LOL

More tracing - she can't read the words yet but she is starting to be interested in their sounds.

The last maze in the book.  Anyone want a birthday idea for A?  Maze books!

Counting and tracing numbers.

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