Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 8, 2011

Today got a little off-track, with a two-year-old on board who was slightly out of sorts for most of the day.  But we got the essentials done.  Geography was in the plans, but got bumped in favor of making birthday cards for one of our sponsored children and going out for a walk to the post office, a brief stop in the playroom at the deployment centre, and then out for lunch.  But that's all right - geography can wait til next week since I'm still waiting on a few books from the library anyway.

(The thermometer has so far hit 30 degrees for today, with a feels-like of 33.  That's 91.4 if you're into Fahrenheit.  That's h-o-t, HOT.  Which just might have something to do with the little one's touchy temper today.)

C's work for today:

Reading: Choosing the best word to complete the sentences.

Math: Skip counting, "half", getting familiar with the terms for some units of volume, a bit of US money

Also a page of Bible copywork, and then creating a birthday card for our sponsored child Maria.  Which I completely forgot to take pictures of, which stinks because it was really very nicely made!

A's work:

Math:  Dot-to-Dot

Matching pairs

Counting (and tracing my numbers)

And another dot to dot

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