Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 14, 2011

I'm a little late posting this one because my computer decided to die a painful death... sigh... but anyway.  It's been replaced, life is good again and I'm working on getting caught up on everything.

A's page for today kept her busy for a while:

C's work:

Reading Comprehension



Geography (Expedition Earth) - South Korea
 pages from "Children Just Like Me"
 Also reading a bit from:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 13, 2011

Today was a good school day... we actually got everything done that I planned to get done, and even though we started late we still finished before ten.  Later today we have a fall leaves craft to make, but before that we are going to spend a few hours out at the farm collecting our final CSA basket for the season.  (*sigh*)  Which should also provide an opportunity for the kids to collect a nice variety of leaves!

Social Studies - we read a little bit about Columbus.  We're using part of the Christian Light Education series for Grade One "God's Light in Social Studies"

Math -Still working on finishing up Horizons K Book 2

Reading - Also from Christian Light Education.  This is the first lesson to go with today's story, which was quite a long one.  The only words she hesitated on were "thou" and "seest", in the associated Bible verse.

Geography - Mapping Skills.  We did these pages last year but we're reviewing before going further in the book.

Expedition Earth - South Korea.  I can't say enough good about this geography curriculum, starting with its price of just $15.00.   There are a few books to buy as well if you want to do all the enrichment activities, or you can get them from the library (over and over  LOL)

Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12, 2011

We had a rough start, but a good finish... now the girls are off for a "recess" (aka, Mom's computer time).  Geography is put off til later in the day when the 2yo is napping - with any luck the older kids will run her a big ragged and she'll sleep well.

A's pages:

Writing letters

Matching Patterns


More letters

C's work:


Reading Comprehension


Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 8, 2011

Today got a little off-track, with a two-year-old on board who was slightly out of sorts for most of the day.  But we got the essentials done.  Geography was in the plans, but got bumped in favor of making birthday cards for one of our sponsored children and going out for a walk to the post office, a brief stop in the playroom at the deployment centre, and then out for lunch.  But that's all right - geography can wait til next week since I'm still waiting on a few books from the library anyway.

(The thermometer has so far hit 30 degrees for today, with a feels-like of 33.  That's 91.4 if you're into Fahrenheit.  That's h-o-t, HOT.  Which just might have something to do with the little one's touchy temper today.)

C's work for today:

Reading: Choosing the best word to complete the sentences.

Math: Skip counting, "half", getting familiar with the terms for some units of volume, a bit of US money

Also a page of Bible copywork, and then creating a birthday card for our sponsored child Maria.  Which I completely forgot to take pictures of, which stinks because it was really very nicely made!

A's work:

Math:  Dot-to-Dot

Matching pairs

Counting (and tracing my numbers)

And another dot to dot
I am hot.  Really, REALLY hot.  Crazy Alberta weather.  LOL   Seriously, it's over 30 degrees.  But we had frost last week.  No sense at all.

I'm babysitting a two-year-old little girl part time these days, and we've started homeschooling again, so those two things alone are a fairly significant chunk of my day.    I've made some decisions lately about what I spend my time on, and one client has been dealt the ax.  I can't keep up with them anymore, at least not with my sanity intact, so they're out the door.  I've got plenty of other things in the works, though, no question there.

There are plans in the works for a new computer, since my poor abused laptop has been feeling and showing its age a bit.  I can live with the bolted-together lid and the dysfunctional touchpad and the wonky spot on the case where it will make the mouse jump around if I rest my hand there.  I can even deal with the tendency to overheat (bought a lap desk to help with that), and with the slight irregularity in the screen color depending on its angle.  Oh, and the way it forgets the wireless network whenever it reboots, and loses connection with our local network when it gets bored.  But lately it's started randomly restarting Windows, every five to fifteen minutes some days.  That is kind of the proverbial straw for me.  So I'm shopping.  I got a quote from a local guy, but sadly he can't even come close to what is on sale at Staples... and while I would rather support local, I can't do it when it means nearly doubling the price and not even getting as much.  So off to the big box I will have to go, at least this time around.

Hubby is keeping busy... he's been here for quite a while now with no trips scheduled so we're hoping he gets something soon.  Which is not to say that I want to get rid of him, of course.  LOL   He likes getting the experience, and the bank likes getting the extra pay... I won't say that the kids like it, but so far they've done all right with the trips he's had.  Next week he gets to go on a little one just to help out with stuff for an exercise.  Nothing big, but he will at least get to see some of the western US for a few days.  After that, I don't know what else might be in the works or for when - it's a take-it-as-it-comes kind of lifestyle.

We didn't get a whole lot done today, but I did get up to the MFRC and drop off my paperwork to register as a volunteer for when they do up care packages, or welcome packs for people moving here, that kind of stuff.  Things the kids can help out with a bit, too.  It'll be nice to get out and give a hand here and there when I am able to.  I also signed up for a woodcraft night coming up the end of this month :o)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 7, 2011

A little more like a normal school day today - although we have a lot of plans for the rest of the day, so we tried to get done early!  We didn't do as well as yesterday, but even after a bit of humming and hawing and pouting, we were still wrapped up by 9:30.  So that's all right.   Now we're off to get ready for the rest of the day.  We might go to storytime at the library for a bit, then we're meeting our homeschool group at the beach for a couple of hours, home for naptime (we're babysitting today, too), hopefully a chance to bake something  (I'm thinking strawberry scones), finish supper and straighten up in time for Bible study here tonight at 6:30.  Never rains but it pours, eh?  LOL

C's work for today...

History - reading about Babylonia and learning a few things.  We work on this together as I don't really expect her to remember names of kings and countries just yet!

Social Studies - Just the introduction for today, but we'll be learning about North American peoples.

Math (two of her four pages)

Reading/Language Arts - Questions about the story we read yesterday

A's pages... she's a school-a-holic just like C was when she was three.  LOL

Math - finding patterns

Tracing letters - she finished the book.  LOL

More tracing - she can't read the words yet but she is starting to be interested in their sounds.

The last maze in the book.  Anyone want a birthday idea for A?  Maze books!

Counting and tracing numbers.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6, 2011

Today is our CSA day and we'll be spending 4-5 hours out at a farm, so it's a light school day.

C's copywork:

C's reading:

C's math:

A decided it was a good day for mazes:

Off to play in the dirt... have a great day!