Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20, 2010

Today was fairly laid-back and started with us all waking up late. Whoops. LOL

We did some rote counting exercises - A to ten and C to thirty (she can count farther but tends to skip a number here and there so I'm focusing a little lower for a bit). This exercise was cleverly concealed within some fun, aka playing hide and seek. ;) Later on, A was working on one-to-one counting, she can get to five no problem and she quite enjoys counting her fingers and toes, especially when they are pruny from the bath (1,2,3,4,5 wrinkly fingers!)

There is a big emphasis on art this week as we make preparations for A's princess party this weekend. So today C worked on the fairy godmother poster for "pin the star on the fairy wand", A did her own coloring page, and I worked on cutting out the crowns for the kids to decorate.

Phys Ed came in the way of soccer practise this afternoon, and some social time came as they spent the morning with friends while I went to the dentist (meaning a short health lesson in what a filling is all about).

All in all we didn't really do any structured "school" today but it was a good day :)

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