Saturday, September 18, 2010

... and so begins the second half.

I haven't had much to say lately, mostly because I've been consumed by things I can't really write about until after the fact, like travel and being away from home and that blessed thing called HLTA in Canadian military terms. (Now that we're past it all I will likely go back and add some fill-in entries.)

But. The wonderful but all-too-fleeting time together has come to its inevitable end and darling hubby is back on board a jet plane bound for points far away. And us, we go back to staying busy, trying again to regain a sense of order and rhythm. I have to say I have pretty much failed completely at this lately. Spending so long visiting family, coming home, readjusting, then hubby home for leave, readjusting again... I have had a really hard time disciplining myself and getting us on track. Monday, though. Monday will mark the new start - our school year, my reawakened effort to "get healthy", and another phase of single parenting. No, I won't be too hard on any of us, but in the midst of allowing for the way life is, I do need to be a good deal tougher.

This departure was easier on me than the last... sort of... when he left at the beginning of summer I managed to keep the happy face on right up until we were leaving the airport and then it hit me like a punch to the gut. This time, the leaving the airport wasn't so bad. But late yesterday and then last night, being the last night of HLTA, I'm afraid I wasn't particularly good company. The negative voices got their teeth into me a little too much - not those "what-ifs" and junk like that, I'm pretty much over that. But just the wave of overwhelming "Oh gosh he really is leaving and I'm going to be alone again and it really really sucks and man I wish this wasn't just the halfway point..... wail... whine... " Today wasn't too bad though, although I will admit to choking up more than once when I was watching other people doing their goodbyes. And there was a fair bit of blinking and swallowing hard when we were doing ours and C had to give him like six hugs before she would come away with me. But we'll be all right. Life goes on, we'll get busy, and it will fly by. Right? Sure it will. Absolutely. But yes, I will most likely be a little pouty tonight and tomorrow.

Funny coincidence though - we got back to our hotel tonight after a stop at IKEA and who should happen to be here but our neighbors! So we're hoping to see them tomorrow, maybe go to the pool together for a while. That will be a nice distraction, if they're up for it. :)

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