Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June 11, 2008

We have acquired two new additions to our family this week...

"Super Fishie" - a red male betta who has taken up decorative residence on our dining room table. He doesn't seem to care much for the flake betta food we bought, so I think we may be picking up an alternate food tomorrow. He's nibbling at it, but not with what I would call healthy gusto.

"Super Caterpillar" - a little friend we found in the driveway today while outside and who we're watching in a plastic mini-habitat for a few days to see what happens. He/She seems to be quite content to have an endless supply of bite-size grass and leaves.

The caterpillar will be part of our nature study habit... we're still working on the nature book as well. So far:

A - Alders
B - Buds
C - Clover
D -
E -
F - Feather
G - Grass
H -
I -
J -
K -
L - Leaves
M - Moss
N -
O -
P -
Q -
R -
S - Sticks
T -
U -
V -
W -
X -
Y -
Z -

It's kind of an ongoing project... and some of those letters are going to be tough!

Very cool news on this particular subject! This project is going to be included in the Nature Study E-book being published by The Old Schoolhouse, a homeschool magazine I subscribe to. (Highly Recommended!!!!!!)

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