Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A quick update on the family

I guess we can say that A is crawling, as of today. It's a little clumsy, but she is definitely moving forward using both hands and both knees in a semi-coordinated fashion. When she gets close to her goal, she takes a lunge forward... hopefully she doesn't keep this up when she starts walking! LOL

C's sick with another cold. Honestly, the way kids pass around colds and flus is almost enough to make me want to become a hermit for the next five years. She was an insanely healthy kid for the first two years of her life, didn't even have a sniffle until she was over a year old. But since we started going to things like playgroups, classes and birthday parties, she's been sick probably once a month. *sigh* I know we can't really just lock ourselves away, because we'd ALL go crazy, but sometimes it's tempting.

We lost a family member this week, when Princess decided to yet again place herself in harm's way by bolting across in front of a car. I swear, I don't know why cats and birds have this kamikaze thing going on. Thankfully, I discovered her before C did and quickly removed the evidence. It was just another reminder that living on a blind crest in the middle of this particular road is a hazardous thing. Cars, trucks and bikes go through here at some pretty crazy speeds.

And as for the rest of our life...

Hubby's announcement is out, and the world is discovering that yes, we really are closing up the store, and yes, he really does want to join the military. Not the Army, as some have heard, and not the RCMP, but the Air Force. We're looking forward to it. I won't say I'm excited about the prospect of being a single parent for the better part of a year while he's in training - that would be just crazy. But I am looking forward to the opportunities, to the community activities that will be available to the kids, and oddly enough I'm looking forward to moving. Weird, I know. In the meantime, though... what a lot of work needs to be done!!

I've started an album on my facebook page where I'm posting pictures in and around the house as I get my various projects finished. There are many that I want to do, but I guess only time will tell how many of them actually get done. Currently I'm working on landscaping when the weather is good, and painting when it's not so nice. The master bedroom is halfway through having the plaster repaired, and the bathroom will soon have new wainscotting installed. When these are done, there are more things waiting... the big debate is, which things are necessary and which are pointless. Some things are obvious... the water system needed to be installed, the oil tank needed to be replaced, the plaster needed to be repaired. But others are a little less clear... do I really need to paint over this, or take that paper down? And which projects will I reap a reward from when we agree on a selling price, vs those which will turn out to be money down the drain?

For now, I'm just moving forward a baby step at a time, doing projects as I can afford them, and wondering whether anyone out there would like to trade with me. Come mow my lawn and I'll make business cards for you! :) Paint my house and I'll make you a website!! :)

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