Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Conversations with a three year old

In the wee hours of the morning she came crawling into bed and cuddled up to me. After a little while I hear her little sleepy voice...

"Daddy.... please stop doing that noisy thing. I am trying to sleep. And you are going to wake up my sister. Daddy... Daddy, are you listening to me?"

Meanwhile poor Daddy is snoring on.... and I'm trying really hard not to laugh out loud and wake him up....

Lying in bed with her a few nights ago after tucking her in, she got off on one of her little analytical monologues...

"You want to know why I'm snuggling down in my bed? It's so I won't be cold. Because if I was too cold, then I'd be like an icicle. And we don't want that. People don't like to eat icicles. And people don't want to eat me if I'm an icicle. So that's why I don't want to be too cold."

Me: blink. yeah.

Last night, explaining something to be about her video game playing on

"I don't like going into Ghost Town Grab, because it's not friendly. I like to go to Hidden Treasure Hollow. I figured I didn't like Ghost Town Grab, so I preferred to go to Hidden Treasure Hollow."

I swear this kid is a sponge for big words. LOL

Monday, December 27, 2010

December 27, 2010

These days A is somewhat hooked on work sheets... and C on teaching her... good combo.  ;)

Today's copywork

Printing numbers to 39

A bit of calculating

And her dreaded "reading comprehension" exercises... traumatic, even. LOL

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas :)

There hasn't been a lot to say lately... what more is there than, "It's great to have hubby home!!" :)

This Christmas was great, but it was made even more great by this clip:

More than one of our friends was stranded by bad weather in Europe and not sure they'd be home for Christmas - but just in the nick of time, they made it through!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December 22, 2010

Math sheets. We're doing three pages a day now, a lesson and a half, because she's getting pretty bored with the book but Mommy has a need for completion...

Today's copywork exercise:

This week our body has acquired reproductive organs (that lesson didn't get very far, once she saw the word "eggs" she pretty much cracked up) and skeletal structure (which she was much more interested in).

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 21, 2010

A storybook by Miss C about a girl who loves to dance with a rainbow, and drive a car.

(this is her after her dance holding a flower and a book)

(and driving a car.)

A couple of math pages from today, a quick refresher in tally marks and graphing, nothing too strenuous...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Moving on in our "My Body" study, to the kidneys and bladder. Very exciting stuff, learning about pee and so on.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

November 27, 2010

Just a couple of recent highlights... I haven't been really on the ball with taking pictures regularly of late, sorry about that.

C's Math

A's shapes

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Heart

Last week, the brain. Today, the heart:

Heart, veins and arteries colored

Heart affixed in place on her body!

(She was to answer the questions by tracing the words that I had printed in grey.)

Draw a line from each of my labels to the right part on the diagram - she got them all right but was painfully distressed about drawing lines across the picture to get to the right parts.

A preferred to work on her puzzle-making skills, which are really coming along quite well!

He's home!

Well, it's official now. Our 2010 deployment is over and done. Hubby got home on Saturday and we are very much enjoying having him home with us!! I have a little to-do list that we need to get going with pretty soon but the first few days are just time to enjoy having him back and for him to try to sleep off some major jet lag. We're getting there with that one.

The challenge for the next little while will be to keep the kids on some semblance of a schedule for school and stuff while still making plenty of room to enjoy some time with Daddy!

Something interesting I have noticed... maybe it's normal, maybe not.... the whole time he was away I didn't cry. I am perhaps a little too good at swallowing emotion but it is something I do in order to keep things on an even keel. But once he was home, Saturday, Saturday night, off and on through Sunday, tears were there. They didn't come out but just kind of welled up and made me feel a little choked. I guess my subconscious knows now that I can let go and there's someone else here who will catch me... and just knowing that is a huge relief. I missed having my other half around, and I'm awfully glad to have him here again!!!

A Book Review (of sorts)

"Potatoes Not Prozac" by Kathleen DesMaisons

A Natural Seven-Step Dietary Plan to:
Control your cravings and lose weight
Recognize how foods affect the way you feel
Stabilize the level of sugar in your blood

From the back cover:

Can't say no to fattening foods, alcohol or compulsive behaviors?

You aren't lazy, self-indulgent or undisciplined; you may be one of the millions of people who are sugar sensitive. Many people who suffer from sugar sensitivity don't even know it; they continue to consume large quantities of sweets, breads, pasta or alcohol. These foods can trigger feelings of exhaustion and low self-esteem, yet their biochemical impact makes sugar-sensitive people crave them even more. This vicious cycle can continue for years, leaving sufferers overweight, fatigued, depressed and sometimes alcoholic.

This is the second book by Ms. DesMaisons that I have read. The first was "Little Sugar Addicts" which I am going to read again and probably buy - I was that impressed. I'll post about that one later. "Potatoes not Prozac" was her first book. Where she comes from is a background of working with alcoholics, and being the child of an alcoholic as well. She started seeing parallels between herself and her clients and decided to explore the possibilities of sugar-sensitivity creating a kind of addictive behavior similar to alcoholism or even leading to it. She found that by treating her clients for sugar sensitivity their recovery rate from alcoholism went through the roof. So she pursued the theory and this book was the first published result.

Let's just say as I was reading through it, lights were going off in my head constantly. She has completely nailed something that I've thought about for years but not fully explored, that being that a "sweet tooth" may be more akin to a dependence than a preference.

The seven steps in this book are (done in sequence and building on each other):

1. Keep a meticulous journal (time, food, physical & emotional feelings)
2. Eat three meals a day at regular times and consistent intervals of no more than 5-6 hours
3. Maintain your vitamin plan
4. Eat protein at each meal
5. Eat only very complex carbohydrates
6. Eliminate or drastically reduce all forms of sugar
7. Create plan for maintenance

So... following are a few highlights from the book. And here is the link to buy it if you want to read the rest:

Potatoes Not Prozac: Solutions for Sugar Sensitivity

The more I listened to the "drunks," the more I was struck by some missing link between what I heard them say and what I felt. I knew in my heart that their addiction to alcohol was not about a lack of willpower. I knew drinking wasn't just an easy way out to escape unpleasant feelings. Something else was going on. I was convinced that if I discovered this missing link our treatment program for alcoholism might succeed.

At the same time there was a troubling discrepancy between my work at the clinic and my own life. Although I hadn't used alcohol in eighteen years, I had never been in any kind of recovery program. I didn't see my compulsive use of food, particularly sugars and carbohydrates, as an addiction. I just thought I was fat and that this was a function of my early childhood issues. A thousand failed diets had convinced me that I was a slug who couldn't get it right.

(pages 20-21)

For my doctoral dissertation I conducted a study to measure the effect of my food plan on the toughest audience I could find - multiple-offender drunk drivers. These people - mostly middle-aged men - had not been able to stay sober despite huge court sanctions and intensive drunk-driving education and counseling. All of them had already gone through an entire forty-hour first offender program, had paid thousands of dollars in fines and fees, and had now lost their driver's licenses for eighteen months. I worked with a group of thirty of these "hopeless" alcoholics for four months and at the end of my outpatient treatment program, 90 percent of them had gotten sober and stayed sober. These clients weren't drinking and for the first time in their lives they were experiencing recovery. Eighteen months later I checked back with them and only a few were back to serious drinking. The rest maintained their sobriety or had significantly reduced the level of their drinking. These same results continue as the program has grown to serve close to two hundred people.

(page 24)

Imagine you come home and go into the kitchen. A plate of warm chocolate-chip cookies sits on the counter just out of the oven. Their smell hits you as you walk in. You do not feel hungry. No one else is around. What would you do?

Does this question make you smile? You may think the answer is obvious, but people who are not sugar sensitive respond by saying, "Why would I eat a cookie if I wasn't hungry?" Or they stop and think about whether they would eat the cookie. Or, with no emotional charge, they say, "Well, I might try one." People who are not sugar-sensitive do not have a visceral response to the idea of smelling fresh chocolate-chip cookies.

People who ARE sugar-sensitive laugh at the cookie question. Their bodies are already responding to the very idea of the cookies. They know they would inhale a cookie - probably more than one, at that!   They might eat the whole plateful, even if they were not hungry. For a sugar-sensitive person, hunger is not the driving motivation. What triggers their desire to eat is the smell of the cookies, the anticipation of how the cookies will feel in the mouth, and the warmth and sweetness of the chocolate. Even the feeling of having a cookie in hand will have a powerful association for them.

People who are not sugar sensitive thing this response to the cookies is strange, perhaps even stupid... But people who are sugar sensitive always know exactly what the cookie question means.

A second powerful diagnostic question that I use is this:

When you were little and had Rice Krispies for breakfast, did you eat the cereal or did you eat the cereal so you could get to the milk and sugar at the bottom of the bowl?

People who are not sugar sensitive think the milk and sugar at the bottom of the bowl are disgusting. People who ARE sugar sensitive smile. They remember that the real objective was to get to the dregs of milk and sugar.

(pages 26-27)

I remember the day I sat in the library working on my Ph.D. and first read about the impact of beta-endorphin on self-esteem. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I suddenly saw the connection. I was eating chocolate as self-medication to achieve self-confidence. Instead of feeling totally stupid about my behavior, I began to see that there was wisdom in it. Consciously I wanted to feel better and more secure and unconsciously I knew there was a relationship between chocolate and self-confidence. Of course I turned to chocolate when I felt down.

(page 37)

Serotonin increases impulse control, which allows you to more easily "just say no." People with low levels of serotonin do not have good impulse control. It is almost impossible for them to "just say no" because there is such a short time period between the urge to do something and doing it. This is why the warm cookies on the kitchen table hop into your mouth before you even know what has happened. This is why no matter how many times you vow to stick with your diet, you are not able to. The insufficient serotonin level in your brain isn't giving you the time you need to make good decisions.

(page 65)

... when you have low levels of serotonin, your brain produces cravings for simple carbohydrates, like sugar, that can be used to make more serotonin. In addition, cravings are closely linked to the beta-endorphin system.

Ingesting a small amount of a drug (like sugar) can make a person want more because of a mechanism in the beta-endorphin system called priming. Priming is the reason it is so hard for a sugar-sensitive person to "just say no" after having a taste of something sweet.

(page 73)

I do not encourage snacking for sugar-sensitive people because all too often snacking can lead to "grazing." Grazing happens when you eat your way through the day. People are often encouraged to eat this way in order to maintain a steady level of sugar in the blood. However, for someone with a sugar-sensitive or addictive body chemistry, snacking can create trouble. Grazing reinforces a lack of impulse control, which is already a problem for people with naturally low serotonin: if they get hungry, they eat right away rather than wait. Learning to start and then stop a meal is a very good behavior change for the sugar-sensitive person.

(page 96-97)

People who are sugar sensitive usually do not live in a state of chemical balance. Because of this, you don't get the physiological cues that other people do. All bodies need feed after a period of fasting, such as the time from dinner to breakfast. If you don't feel hungry in the morning, it's because your thermostat is not working properly.

(page 97)

People with addictive bodies love to take something, be it pills, white powder or special mixtures from a can. Taking something becomes the solution rather than creating a lifestyle with a healthy relationship to food. I am careful not to reinforce this mode of thinking. Eating food as your solution to sugar sensitivity demands that you think about what food you will eat, when, how and with whom.

(page 101)

Eating protein causes change to your brain chemistry. One of the amino acids found in protein is called tryptophan and is used to make serotonin, the brain chemical that gives you good impulse control and makes you feel mellow, at peace with the world. As we discussed earlier, if you are sugar sensitive, you most likely have a low level of serotonin. To raise this level, you will want to eat foods that are higher in tryptophan. ... But having tryptophan available for making serotonin requires more than simply eating foods that contain it.

... If you are eating protein at every meal, you are raising the level of amino acids, including tryptophan, in your blood. Eating a baked potato before you go to bed raises the insulin level in the blood and moves the tryptophan to your brain. Your serotonin level rises in the middle of the night. This may even help you dream in a healthy way. Does it have to be a potato? No, it can be any complex carbohydrate eaten without protein, like an apple, oatmeal (without milk or yogurt), a piece of toast or even orange juice. You could do it with a candy bar. But remember the slower the carbohydrate, the more effective the result.

(pages 109-113)

Keep temptation to a minimum around sweets. Remember the power of priming, which we discussed in Chapter 5. One cookie or one taste of chocolate pudding won't throw you totally off your plan. But it will prime your brain to want more. Having something sweet "just this once" will activate an endorphin response and set off craving for more sweets. If you are not paying attention, this craving will catch you off guard and you will soon be sliding into relapse.

(page 160)

Potluck Disaster Plan

Smile. Eat some pasta and lots of salad. Don't tell yourself that since you are having it, you might as well go whole hog and eat everything. Forgo the bread and pass on dessert. Tell your aunt that you aren't doing desserts these days. Have two slices of turkey when you get home and pay attention the next day. You will want muffins for breakfast, bagels for a snack, warm bread for lunch, cookies in the afternoon, wine for dinner and dessert afterwards. Just go back to your plan.

(page 161)

You don't need a whole chapter on exercise. The only thing you need to know is that you have to do it. Exercise is the least complicated part of the equation. It doesn't work if you don't do it. And it works if you do. The key is to start.

(page 183)

Twelve-step programs advise taking life "one day at a time." But when you are in a crisis with food and you don't feel good, a day is way too long. Take your life one choice at a time. Only one choice. This commitment is all you have to make. Start with breakfast. Make the choice to eat real food for breakfast.

(page 187)

All through this book you have heard me talk about finding support. I continue to stress this because I know that sugar-sensitive people with their low levels of beta-endorphin have a natural inclination to tough it out. When we are very little, we experience the emotional sense of isolation that comes with low beta-endorphin. So we adapt. We learn to get by on our own. We don't operate from an inherent sense of connectedness to others and we don't realize that this pattern has shaped our way of being in the world. It just seems as if we are busy or shy and we simply don't move well in circles of shared experience.

(page 187)

Changing your relationship to food means changing your relationship to yourself, to your nourishment and your connection to your birthright. You are a bright, creative, sensitive and awesome person. These are the benefits of sugar sensitivity.

We've talked a lot about the downside of sugar sensitivity, but the other side of sugar sensitivity is a special kind of awareness, intuition and compassion that comes with the very same biochemistry. Lower beta-endorphin means we are less insulated. We do feel pain more intensely, but we also feel joy more deeply. We know in every part of who we are that something creative, awesome and magical is waiting for us. The same molecules that once sang for sugar will not sing for radiance.

(page 196)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Brain

This was a fun and interesting activity.

C's project for today - the three major parts of the brain and what they do

A was working on some mazes.  I think she did pretty well for her first time!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

November's science project

First step - a life size tracing of her body

The brain is affixed in place!

The books we're using:
"Made by God - My Body" from McGraw Hill, and "My Body" from Teacher Created Materials

Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 31, 2010

No, we didn't do school today - church this morning, busy this afternoon, and of course the excitement factor about candy day. I'm no big fan of Halloween, that's no secret, but I have a measure of tolerance for the cute/fun aspect of it for the little kids. That's about it. The kids, however, have nothing but enthusiasm for a day where they get to play dressup, wear gaudy makeup in public, and get rewarded with candy! We didn't go far, though, just to about a dozen neighbors' houses.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

October 28, 2010

C has started doing some copywork out of "A Treasury of Bible Verses - Penmanship for Little Ones" and is enjoying it although it takes a fair amount of concentration as she's been in the habit of writing only in capital letters and now I'm making her start using lower-case. But she loves anything to do with Bible words and verses, so that helps. The first part of each exercise is tracing the words, and then it follows up with lines to copy the text onto:

We have also had a lot of fun around here lately making art projects with bingo daubers. I wish I could find some that were filled with washable ink, though... we found ours at the dollar store and they make an awful mess!!

A quite enjoyed working with some matching and tracing wipe-off pages... however she enjoyed them so much that she did them ALL in one sitting. Hmm. Mayhap she is taking after C more than I thought... she loooooved doing worksheets and stuff when she was 2-3.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Budding artist

I bought C a few "how to draw" books a while back and at the time they were rather too advanced for her. But today she broke one of them out and came up with this:

How to Draw Fairies and Mermaids (Usborne Activities)

How to Draw Princesses and Ballerinas (Usborne Activities)

Friday, October 22, 2010

October 22, 2010

Horizons Math K ... we're about halfway through book one and she's doing addition up to ten, counting by tens now... she's a little ahead of the book though because she alternates between this and a grade one math book. ;)

Started working on copywork today - Bible verses, spelling and penmanship all rolled into one!

One of today's pages from a Reading Comprehension book: Reading Comprehension: Grade 1 (Learn on the Go Reading Comprehension)

A masterpiece by Miss A.

Hard at work. And I quote, "I'm doing some school work, so please leave me alone right now."

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October 19, 2010

One of Little Miss Smartypants' math pages today.
Have I mentioned she likes math?

A is working on shapes - the kid LOVES to trace!

Friday, October 15, 2010

October 15, 2010

A's masterpiece... "Me and a sea turtle and sister all holding hands"

C playing on Leap World - we just discovered it when we plugged in her Tag Reader to download some new rewards. Pretty cool! :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Craft Day!

C's Pumpkin (we added eyelashes later to make it more "girly") - she drew the face on paper and I copied it onto her pumpkin, then she did the painting.

A's Pumpkin - this one was my drawing but she did the painting! I just cleaned it up a little after, but not very much - she was surprisingly precise with that little brush :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

We love Starfall

C is working through the upper levels on An excellent website that we have made much use of!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A funny thing happened here yesterday when we were out for a walk. We were playing a game with Tanner as we walked along, and I will admit it got a little out of hand. Basically I was getting the girls running and stopping short - it's a game designed to train them to stop immediately when I call out STOP, because otherwise they do tend to take those potentially fatal extra steps before finally stopping and looking to see what I want. It's a good exercise. But this time, Cara had Tanner on his leash and running with her. Which he was quite enjoying, until they started to drift away from me across the grass. I didn't mind, but he did. He is, after all, of a herding breed. And we have had great fun with him several times, letting him herd the girls back to me as they run in circles. Anyway he started his usual barking and jumping, telling them to get back where they belong. But they didn't take it too seriously and neither did I. Until, that is, the giggles were interrupted by tears and Anika suddenly favoring one leg. At first I thought she had stepped in a hole but then I realized that Tanner had actually nipped her. Not hard enough to break skin (I checked asap) but enough to leave a red mark and a little bruise, and enough to make his point.

The lady we got him from had said that he bit her daughter once, on the bum, when she had run out into the street. Which we agreed wasn't a bad time for a nip, and which decidedly did teach the girl a lesson. Well, it seems he hasn't lost that need to herd and protect.

I didn't really punish him... on the one hand I don't want him to think it's okay to bite, but at the same time I do recognize what motivated it and I think he really believed he was acting in her best interests. Because he is sooooooo not an aggressive dog. LOL But I did make him heel the whole way home on our walk, and we have learned from this that perhaps it's not a good idea to let him run with them unless I'm right there and the one holding the leash.  I've been doing a little bit of damage control with Anika over it because I don't want her to acquire a fear because of it.

Now, out of the middle of this, there came a moment of "Wow!" I've been teaching Anika left and right in the same way I did Cara, just by constantly labeling feet, shoes, hands, etc. Well, I knew she could label her feet as right and left but I didn't know for sure whether she had taken that and generalized to apply to the rest of her body. Until yesterday, that is. She looked at me and said "Moo-oom, Tanner bited me, right there on my left leg!"

Momentarily speechless, then something along the lines of, "Yes, yes he did. And very good knowing that's your left leg!"

Smart cookies, these two.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Perhaps there is some measure of overcompensation in the world of a deployed parent. Today's birthday party would almost seem to say so... I don't think I've put quite this amount of effort into any birthday party to date. Of course, I also had more time on my hands this time around, and two kids eager to pitch in, so maybe that's all it was. Either way, A's third birthday party was a hit all around.

A few highlights:

Making frames for their royal portraits (which we took later)

Making princess crowns (LOVE Dollarama for craft supplies!!)

One game - pin the star on the fairy's wand

Another game - "Dancing Slippers" (a la musical chairs but using printouts of pink glass slippers) Anika looked at me at one point, quite appalled, and said, "But Mom, there's not enough slippers!!!" Not much escapes this one. LOL

Snacks, of course!  Butterfly- and flower-shaped cookies, pink heart-shaped Rice Krispies treats, grapes, veggies, heart-shaped Nutella sandwiches and apple juice. I think we covered all the major food groups....

Decorating cupcakes - this was the birthday cake

Everyone got a candle to blow out, but the birthday girl's was a fancy sparkly one shaped like a three.

And finally, a royal parade around the block to let off some steam and make a lot of noise with party blowers.


Pink Confetti Cupcakes

But obviously left out the cranberries and almonds, and I used vanilla instead of lemon. Then I added a bit of red food coloring to make them pink, and about half a jar of the tiny round rainbow sprinkles.

I frosted them with canned frosting that I tinted pink, because it went on sale a few weeks ago for 99 cents a can, and I can't make it that cheaply!!!

Painted Sugar Cookies

I used the cookie recipe from here:

Incorporating suggestions from the visitor comments - doubling the vanilla, using three cups of sugar instead of two, and baking on parchment paper. Do pay close attention, they bake up fast (about 7 minutes). And refridgerating for an hour is a must. I cut them about 1/2 inch thick.

And for the "paint"? Mix together 2 tbsp. milk and 2 tbsp. corn syrup until smooth. Add in 2 cups icing sugar gradually and mix until smooth. If it is too thick add a bit more corn syrup, too thin add more sugar. Stir in food coloring, a few drops at a time, until you reach your desired color(s).

Give cookies, paint and clean brushes to enthusastic kids. Add sprinkles liberally.

Display artfully ;) Enjoy!