Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Conversations with a three year old

In the wee hours of the morning she came crawling into bed and cuddled up to me. After a little while I hear her little sleepy voice...

"Daddy.... please stop doing that noisy thing. I am trying to sleep. And you are going to wake up my sister. Daddy... Daddy, are you listening to me?"

Meanwhile poor Daddy is snoring on.... and I'm trying really hard not to laugh out loud and wake him up....

Lying in bed with her a few nights ago after tucking her in, she got off on one of her little analytical monologues...

"You want to know why I'm snuggling down in my bed? It's so I won't be cold. Because if I was too cold, then I'd be like an icicle. And we don't want that. People don't like to eat icicles. And people don't want to eat me if I'm an icicle. So that's why I don't want to be too cold."

Me: blink. yeah.

Last night, explaining something to be about her video game playing on

"I don't like going into Ghost Town Grab, because it's not friendly. I like to go to Hidden Treasure Hollow. I figured I didn't like Ghost Town Grab, so I preferred to go to Hidden Treasure Hollow."

I swear this kid is a sponge for big words. LOL

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