Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Conversations with a two year old

Interesting conversations can be had with peculiarly verbal two year olds.

A - "I really miss my father. "

Me - "Yeah, I know."

A - "I lost him in the desert somewheres."

Me - (choking a bit) "No, you didn't lose him. He's working and he'll be back when he's done."

A - "And he'll come and pick me up? After supper?"

Me - "No, not after supper, but when he's done then he'll sure pick you up."

A - "Okay." (and off to playing)

C gets into a blue mood sometimes about us being on our own, and with her it's pretty much out there. She'll have a little rant or cry and we'll get past it and she's all right. A, on the other hand, isn't at all. She's just kind analytical... and when she has an answer it's all good again. Weird kid. LOL

Things are still good on the homefront. We're here for another day before we head to New Brunswick to visit some friends there, then back for a few days before we finally board a plane back to Alberta. We've done a TON of visiting, had some fun times, reconnected with friends that we miss, and all that good stuff - plus spent enough time at the beach to remind my why the 'beach' in Cold Lake is such a letdown. *sigh* Now I'm in the homestretch where I'm picking a few last people to spend time with and collecting up things to bring back for us and for friends. I've got to pick up a spare duffle bag to hold the extra stuff we've picked up... that's one of today's missions.

DH is doing well. He's had a chance to see a good friend and a cousin this week, which strikes me as almost funny - he had to go halfway around the world in order to spend a day with people from home.  LOL We're mucho looking forward to HLTA - that's the CF lingo for VACATION!!! He'll be home for a couple of weeks, which will be really, REALLY nice. :)

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