Wednesday, July 4, 2007

So, you want to be treated like a lady?

Something has changed in the last couple of generations. We want to be treated like ladies, but heaven forbid we should do anything that would make us appear weaker than our male counterparts. So we squash the craving to be cherished, to be cared for, to be protected, and we rush off to do everything ourselves. This is in stark contrast to what I see when I look at my grandmother's generation. Most of the more aged ladies I know are indeed 'ladies' who would think it odd indeed to be out with a man who didn't come around to open the car door.

I see it in little things, like whether a man opens the door for a woman, or lets her go ahead of him, who places the order in a restaurant, who drives, things like that. I think a lot of the reason for it is women becoming more independent, more dominant, and not wanting to appear "weak". And also, because of men working more and more hours, more women are thrust into the position of having to do everything themselves, or else having it simply not get done.

I'm trying to change this in myself - I'm very much one who will "just do it" rather than waiting, whether "it" is doing a load of laundry or changing a light fixture. I'm stepping back a bit more often. Hesitating rather than rushing ahead - if I just go ahead and open the door, then he doesn't have the opportunity to do it, even if he wants to. I'm trying to ask for help more often. Pointing out things that need to be done, but of course trying not to nag. Opening up a little more and admitting that I would like to be more feminine even though I struggle with it. Asking him to pray at mealtimes when he's home, and getting C to say her prayers with daddy when he's here instead of just doing it myself. Asking for advice, even if I feel like I already know the best answer and am ready to move forward.

And no doubt paying attention to appearance helps immensely. I've been trying to pay more attention to that - being 6 months pregnant has thrown me a bit and I tend to just put on something that fits and put my hair up in a knot because it's cooler... but this week I got a big bag of maternity clothing from a friend which was a nice boost to my shrinking wardrobe, and I've been giving a little more thought to little things like painting my nails or putting on a bit of perfume.

I guess it comes down to taking the time to think and act a little more "delicate" and allowing the men in our lives the opportunity to step up to the plate and treat us like princesses :-)

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