Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Helpful resources

I just thought I'd pass on a couple of links that have been incredibly helpful for me in getting myself better organized, or at least inspired to be!

Keeping the Home blog. Lots of great writing and teaching here as well, but at the moment she is also working through a series on building a Home Management Binder. Definitely pop over there and learn something!

Who hasn't heard of FlyLady by now? Excellent site. 'Nuf said.

I'm finally getting to the place where my morning routine is happening consistently. I'm sure that having the house for sale is helping. But for a solid week now I've kept up with the dishes, the laundry and the clutter, just by making sure it's all done before I leave the house to go anywhere. Which meant for a few days we really didn't go anywhere. But I got all caught up and now it's maintenance.

Want to know what I did to help with the laundry? I threw away my hamper. Yup. Tossed it out. So now all I have to catch the laundry are two baskets in the bathroom, one for darks and one for lights. When one is full, it goes straight to the washer, and voila, just like that the laundry isn't getting ahead of me anymore! Before, I was dumping it into the hamper in the laundry room (which will hold something like three loads if it's packed down). No wonder there was always more to do!

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