Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Curriculum Swap Day

Oh. My. Goodness.

Wow, were we ever blessed today.

The homeschooling group in the next town organized a curriculum/book exchange. Primarily it was one family who had years' worth of books to unload as their last children approach graduation, but a few others brought things to share, and then later on ANOTHER mom appeared with all of her materials from years of homeschooling.

Needless to say, those of use who were just starting out hit a real goldmine.

The books I went with plans to get were these two:
Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Botsford Comstock
Paddle to the Sea by Holling C Holling

Those two alone were enough to make it worth the drive.

But I came home with a bag, a small box and a large tote all FULL of books for PreK, K, early elementary up to about grade six, plus a few that will be useful later. World literature, world history, and physical sciences from a Christian perspective. An entire one-year multi-level science curriculum for elementary students. Both sizes of Cuisinaire Rods and some of the books to go with them. "For Instruction in Righteousness." "Book of the Centuries."

And so, SO much more... I am blown away. And boy, do I have some organizing to do.

The girls enjoyed the day, too, because while mama was digging through boxes and stacks of books, they got to spend time playing with the other kids and C hit it off with one of the girls, which was especially nice. :)

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