Friday, November 13, 2009

November 13, 2009 - Reflections on Remembrance Day

I sat with C and had a little chat to see how much of our Remembrance Day lessons, talks and experiences registered with her... I think for four years old, she did pretty well :)

Who do we remember on Remembrance Day?
All the soldiers that died.

Why did the soldiers die?
Because they were fighting.

They were protecting good people.

Who were the soldiers protecting the good people from?
Bad guys.

What were the bad guys doing?
Not letting kids go to school and church.

Why do we wear a poppy?Just because.

What does the poppy mean?
It means it's Remembrance Day and we're remembering the soldiers that died.

Can you think of anything else about Remembrance Day?
I don't know.

What do we do on Remembrance Day?
Go to special places.

What do we do there?
We just sit.

Why do we want to remember the soldiers who died?
I don't know.

Does the Remembrance Day poppy say anything about soldiers who are in the army now?

What do we wear to show we're proud of the soldiers we have today?

So does the poppy show that we're proud of soldiers today, AND that we remember the ones who died?

The poppy also means that we hope there is never another big war where all the soldiers have to go away and fight.
Oh. You know, if the soldiers ever have to fight again, I hope that they win, because that's just what has to happen.

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