Friday, July 18, 2008

A Thought Starter

This is an old newspaper clipping I found... no idea when or where it originated but I love the message.


Energy Unlimited

To be a Christian in name, and not to have the reality of the power of God, is a common plight.

To live out our days in self-power can be a hard and unrewarding struggle. Many are spiritual drop-outs because they are trying to live in their own feeble power and it can't be done.

The Presence of the Lord within us, doing the living, is the only way to fulfillment.

A struggling, impoverished rancher in the West finally gave up and sold out. The new owner found a rich deposit of oil, and became propsperous and debt-free. Of course, the oil was there all the time waiting to gush forth. God's power is always in reach, but may go undiscovered.

Many are slaves to burdens and guilt, when they could be made free through the Cross of Christ. He died to take the penalty of our sin, to release us from its power, and ti give us a new energy to gain the victory over things that would get us down.

This escape won't come until we are unshackled from weak self-power, and filled with the infinite energy of God.

Some may say, "I have tried this, and it doesn't work.: There are two keys to be turned before anyone can have this unusual innser strength for themselves. One is the key of confession of weakness and wrong-doing. Name out the sin, and ask the Lord to give cleansing. The other is the key of faith. Believe that God can do exactly as He promises. Claim the new empowered life and thank Him for it. Ask in confidence, not in doubt.

2 Timothy 1:7, "God hath not given us the Spirit of fear, but of power..."

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