Monday, January 21, 2008

They grow up so fast...

C is three now. And all of a sudden it's like she's decided to grow up. We're almost fully confident now with daytime toilet training (as long as there's a step handy), she's starting to dress/undress herself, likes to sit and play games on the computer, can change her own DVDs and CDs... where does the time go?

And today marked a new milestone for the baby - she had her first taste of cereal today. She took to it just as well as her older sister did - which means she'd probably have eaten half a cup if I'd let her. LOL I kept her to a couple of tablespoons though for the first feeding. I made it myself; actually I'm planning to make more of her food than I did with C. It was surprisingly easy, actually. I ran some long-grain rice through the coffee grinder, put it in a pot with some bottled spring water, cooked it til the water was absorbed, added more water a few times til finally it had the consistency of cream of wheat. Then I mixed in a couple of scoops of formula powder and a bit of cold water. It made a small cereal bowl full, so I fed her some at lunch today and there will be enough left for maybe a bit at supper tonight and then tomorrow's lunch.

School the last few days has mostly been C helping me around the house - we've been painting her bedroom so we've been talking a bit about before (primer) and after (paint). We made sourdough bread the other day (unsuccessfully...) And she's hooked on her latest leapfrog video - The Storybook Factory. Love that series.

Also, we've been working on memorizing family facts - mommy and daddy's real names, grandparents' real names, where we live, where daddy works. Next comes learning our phone number but that one is taking more work.

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