Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December 2, 2009 - Draw Write Now

We picked up a copy of Draw Write Now, Book One at the library last week... that's the drawing curriculum that I have been eyeing up for C, so I was pretty happy to see it there. I'd like to give it a test run before going out and buying it, you know? So anyway, we did lesson one today and it was a hit :) She wanted to press on and do a second lesson, but A's frame of mind this afternoon wasn't exactly what I would call conducive to productive lesson time. However, the one we did finish went really well!

This is C's finished work. Besides the hen, she also made three baby chicks (one is in a nest and one is on a box). Pretty good, I think! She started out with printing the words herself but decided she needed some help so I made dotted letters for her to trace. I think for the rest of the lessons I'll make up pre-printed pages on the computer with traceable letters and some drawing space above.