Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Quick update...

Busy busy with websites, lots of new clients. Very exciting. :-)

The girls are doing great, C is active and bright, and making huge strides of independence. Latest accomplishments are putting on her own shoes, getting dressed with minimal help, putting on her own jacket and actually she can do the zippers about half the time on her own! She has all her letters down and is starting to learn to print some of them, can type her name and is working on learning to print it... she gets so proud :-)

A is an adorable ball of baby chub. She's got two bottom teeth, is starting to get around on the floor, and is sitting up really well on her own. She is still nursing and also starting on some baby foods... so far we've tried and liked rice, oatmeal, wheat, peaches, applesauce, pears, banana, peas, green beans, yellow beens, sweet potato, white potato, and tastes of broccoli and watermelon. Yesterday she had a Farley's biscuit and was utterly enthralled.

Since it's springtime we put out a birdfeeder and have been seeing a lot of activity. We're starting a bird book this week, a little scrapbook where we're going to do a page on every kind of bird we can think of. Art meets science. C already loves doing 'school' work, I think she might take after me just a bit. :-)